One of the fun things about having a novel called Forbidden is that it makes such a good descriptor for so many other things. “The Forbidden Playlist” on Spotify, for instance—there’s nothing really “forbidden” about it except the name, but it does sound more intriguing. Forbidden fruit is sweeter, right?

So why not the Forbidden Giveaway! This week and next, if you subscribe to my website, you will register to win a huge basket of goodies, including the complete FORLORN series, a brand new KINDLE, a Forbidden tote bag, a Forbidden t-shirt, and a Forbidden mouse pad (like how I did that?) I may even throw in one of my handmade aurora borealis bracelets, assuming I get around to making them. So don’t wait! Go over to and sign up. You’ll also get FREE installments of my newest novella, Penny’s Journal, and you can keep up with information on upcoming books.

Now might be a good time to tell you how the name Forbidden came about in the first place. The original name for the book was Forever—a name suggested by wonderful writer friend T.L. Sherwood. I thought it would be the last book in the series, but my characters had other plans as usual. 

About halfway through the novel, I realized the world of the novel had drastically changed. A New World Order had taken over, where activities people used to take for granted were now forbidden. That word “forbidden” kept cropping up. This is a world where people can no longer own their homes, drive gas-powered cars, speak freely in any public forum, choose any job they want, go to college, have children, or live without constant surveillance. Their existence depends on a system of social credits, where every privilege has to be earned by “good behavior” according to the rules of society. But they think they are happy because that is what their overlords tell them to think. Their world is relatively peaceful, and they believe they are safe and secure.

Does this world sound familiar?

The people known as the Forbidden are considered criminals in this new society. They refuse to play by the rules and, therefore, must live in hiding, constantly hunted. They are called Forbidden, but they are the only ones still free in their own minds. So the term Forbidden has a double meaning. 

The final book of the series (for real this time) will be called Forever. I hope it won’t take that long to finish, but being that it’s headed into the Apocalypse, well, it might be a while. In the meantime, catch up on the rest of the series, subscribe to my mailing list for updates on Penny’s Journal (which I plan to do monthly), and let me know your thoughts on the books—do you think we are living in the End Times? Is this the beginning of the End? Or just the End of the Beginning? I’d love to hear from you.

Gina Detwiler is the author of  Forbidden, book four of the Forlorn series, the #1 bestseller in Christian Fiction on Amazon. She also co-wrote the bestselling Prince Warriors series with Priscilla Shirer. Her non-fiction works include The Ultimate Bible Character Guide, published by LifeWay. 


Let’s Talk About Hell


The New World Order No One Cares About